Sunday, January 24, 2010

Technology Shouldn't Give Big Brother a Head Start

Technology Shouldn't Give Big Brother a Head Start

In Greece, between June 2004 and March 2005, someone wiretapped more than 100 cell phones belonging to members of the Greek government -- the prime minister and the ministers of defense, foreign affairs and justice.

Ericsson built this wiretapping capability into Vodafone's products, and enabled it only for governments that requested it. Greece wasn't one of those governments, but someone still unknown -- a rival political party? organized crime? -- figured out how to surreptitiously turn the feature on.

Thank you Bruce Schneier for defending our right to privacy.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Links Links Links!

Karmetasploit: "This tool acts as wireless access point and responds to all probe requests from wireless clients. Once a client has associated with the KARMA access point, every service they try to access leads to a malicious application."

Bleeding Snort: "This site takes all the Snort Signatures we can find, and that are submitted to us, organizes them into coherent rulesets, makes basic quality tweaks, and distributes them free of charge to all who are interested."

Ubuntu Linux: How to setup a VPN connection to a SonicWall router using Openswan and Pre-shared Keys (PSK)

Default Password List for hundreds (thousands?) of devices (routers, switches, APs, etc)

RSnake's XSS (Cross Site Scripting) Cheat Sheet

sed one-liners for my fellow command line lovers out there

Whois Ping Port Scanner NSlookup & Traceroute, which is useful for when you don't want your target to know your IP -- all the traffic comes from this site instead

Network monitoring with Nagios and OpenBSD

"VideoJak is an IP Video security assessment tool that can simulate a proof of concept video interception or replay test against a targeted, user-selected video session. VideoJak is the first of its kind security tool that analyzes video codec standards such as H.264." Videojak is part of a Linux distro you may not have heard of -- VAST -- which includes VoIP hacking tools as well as more general pentesting tools like Metasploit, Nmap, and Hydra.


Friday, January 1, 2010

Hacking Practice: Purposely Vulnerable Software

Vulnerable VMware/VirtualBox images from past CTF competitions:
Link (currently down) (currently down)

Many more resources: Damn Vulnerable Web App, Damn Vulnerable Linux (download), OWASP's WebGoat, De-ICE, IronGeek's Mutillidae, Bonsai's Moth, and Foundstone's HacMe Video Series.

I am currently going through these myself.

SQL Injection Resources

Here is an excellent collection of SQL Injection Resources from OWASP.Link

Why You Should Come Back

What can you expect from future blog posts?
  • Lots of Infosec news
  • Lots of links to tutorials (as well as some tuts of my own)
  • Links to great hacking tools
Any time I learn something fascinating and Infosec-related, this would be a great place to tell you all about it as well as take notes for myself that I can refer to later. (A bit selfish? Perhaps.)

If there is a specific tool you would like to know how to use better, let me know and I'll do my best to blog about it!
